Our Integrated Renewable Energy System (IRES) combines the latest in battery storage technology with our unmatched power monitoring, to prioritise renewable energy over grid or generator support. This new system monitors battery levels, ensuring you are always using the most efficient and sustainable method of charging and energy storage.

Due to its flexible and modular design, the IRES can be configured to accept any combination of solar, wind or generator, or all of these combined. This allows for much greater flexibility when considering locations where multiple wind turbines may be required or locations where larger solar arrays are more suitable.

Our Crossflow Turbine offers a reliable and easy-to-install solution that can be deployed as a standalone entity or combined with complimentary solar generation and battery storage. This offers an array of multi-energy generation and battery storage configurations in both rural and urban environments.

Featuring lightweight blades with enhanced aerodynamics, the turbine is capable of harvesting maximum wind energy, from low to very high wind speeds. It is a very effective means of capturing wind energy utilising both drag and lift in a subtle, complex mix to capture the fluid energy in the most efficient manner at low rotational speed, removing the large stresses and shear forces on all components associated with high-speed wind turbines. The patented asymmetrical S-Shaped Shield creates a pressure gradient with a high-pressure zone at ingress and a low-pressure zone at the egress, drawing wind through the turbine’s core rather than mechanical induction of the wind.

Available as Grid-Tied and Battery Charge, the SD6 small wind turbine is designed for those with a high energy demand, or for applications that require a greater level of power autonomy when used in an off-grid or hybrid system.

The unique over-speed protection system ensures continuous energy generation during extreme winds. This provides excellent value to its users. As wind speeds increase, the SD6 will maintain output and performance. When compared to alternative wind turbines, which need to brake themselves in strong wind conditions, the SD6 is the small wind turbine of choice. Continuous energy output and performance delivered.

It has never been easier for organisations to integrate wind energy into their Net Zero strategy.

Our Technology

Helping businesses achieve their net zero ambitions


We are a renewable energy technology specialist, based in South Wales, helping businesses across the world leverage the power of ‘small wind’ to support the roll-out of clean, reliable energy solutions.

Our proven and reliable turbine technologies designed to suit all applications provides a unique way of maximising renewable energy capture, through combined wind and solar generation, to reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels and help build a sustainable, energised future. We believe that small wind can become as mainstream and commonplace as solar power in the race to Net Zero.

Joining us really is the next step in your journey towards carbon neutrality.

About Us

“Connectivity is vital to everyone, no matter where you live. Crossflow Energy’s turbine has enabled our self-powering mobile phone mast, with on-site battery storage, to help us connect to places that were previously impossible to reach.”

Andrea Dona, Chief Network Officer and Development Director at Vodafone